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The Trustees wanted to formally assess previously anecdotal evidence of demand for services and facilities at the village hall, and so asked our Families and Young people's representative to carry out a survey of our younger residents. 

Barrowden Families Village Hall Questionnaire

The Village Hall is a community asset and the Village Hall Development Group and Trustees
are seeking your views as parents of babies, children and teenagers on what the new hall
could offer in terms of activities and what facilities you would like it to have. Our aim is to
build a better Village Hall which continues to be fit for purpose and offers a fully inclusive
space for everyone to use and enjoy, for many years to come.
If you have occupants currently aged 18 and under living at home, please take a few
minutes to complete the Village Hall Families Questionnaire. Specifically at this stage we
are looking to gather the opinions and ideas of parents and their families. If possible, please
ask your children themselves, we would love to hear what they have to tell us!
Please complete the questionnaire by 8 th September 2023.


1. What are the ages of your children?
- Infant / Toddler
- Pre-school
- School age
- Pre-teen
- Teenagers

1. Have you used the village hall in the past? If Yes, what was it for?
- Yes + Free Text
- No
2. What would you like to use the Village Hall for in the future?
- Free Text
3. Do your children have any interests or hobbies? Are they members of any social
- Free Text
4. Is there anything that you would like to see organised for families / young people /
children at the Village Hall?
- Free Text

5. Would you be willing to volunteer (in any capacity / level) at any social clubs
organised at the Village Hall? (This does not constitute a commitment; we just want
to gauge how much support there may be)
- Yes
- No
- Maybe
6. What facilities would you like the new Village Hall to offer?
- Free Text
7. What equipment would you like the new Village Hall to house?
- Free Text

1. Would you be interested in joining a Village Hall improvement planning team? If Yes,
please leave your contact details below.
- Yes + Free Text
- No
2. Is there anything else you would like to add?
- Free Text

Thank you for taking the time to complete this form.

Full results from the Families survey

Summary of the results from the Families survey


Here are the results from the survey sent via the village email.

22 respondents in total.


Mostly qualitative feedback so I’ve included all the verbatim, which does make it a fairly long read. Some interesting food for thought. I believe the “must haves” in terms of facilities and equipment are clear and have already been well-considered by the VHDG and the architects. There is certainly a long list of “nice to haves”…if the budget can be found, the scope is huge. It’s fair to say the younger folk aren’t short of ideas! The prevailing message is to create a modern and safe space to “chill out” & relax for older children, with comfortable seating and ideally some sporting equipment available i.e table tennis. There were many requests for a return of a younger children’s / toddler group, especially given the number of young children in the village is increasing (so I’m told). It’s promising too that there is some interest from potential volunteers for future social clubs, this is something I’ll pick up in due course.


On a site note, kitchen design is something which was mentioned repeatedly. We know appliances & facilities fit to cater for large numbers for parties are most desirable. I wondered whether we consult with .................... a trained cook who lives in the village and has vast experience in catering (often from small, in-home kitchens). She might be able to share her top tips / key considerations, helping to ensure we “get it right”. 

Cinema Club -  Back in 2025 

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