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Hirers should ensure that they and their attendees/helpers are aware of the following rules for fire safety while using the hall:


No highly inflammable liquids such as flammable solvents, firelighters, candles or similar are to be brought to the hall without specific precautions in place before their removal.

This includes cleaning materials.

The chimneys and fireplaces are permanently sealed off.


In the event of fire, the hirer in charge of the hall must instruct all persons to leave the building, using the nearest fire exit. (Main door and side door near kitchen)


Call the fire brigade on 999, the address is Village Hall, Wakerley Road, Barrowden, LE15 8EP. In the absence of a mobile or signal, the shop have a phone, or try a neighbour. 


Hirers must ensure no-one re-enters the hall to collect belongings. 


When the fire brigade arrives, report to the office in charge regarding the people who were in the hall and if all are accounted for.


Hirers should only attempt to extinguish the fire using the appliances provided, if it is safe to do so. Do not risk life.


Fire extinguishers located:

  • In main hall

  • Beside the kitchen fire escape door. 

  • Boiler room store beside main door.

  • Fire blanket in the kitchen on the wall.


All fire fighting equipment is checked yearly by Churches Fire Safety. Certificate on noticeboard.


The fire exits must be kept clear. These are located at:

  • Main Door

  • Kitchen fire escape (with ramp)


The fire exit next to the kitchen is suitable for wheel chair users. If this is not accessible, there is a portable ramp for the front door in the boiler room.


In the event of an emergency evacuation, all attendees should assemble in the shop car park, where the hirer should check that everyone has evacuated the hall.


Hirers should familiarise themselves with the emergency exits and that the signs are visible when entering the hall.


Hirers should report any incidents to any Village Hall committee member or to























Signed: V Fraser

Position : Chair of Trustees

Reviewed December 2022 by V Fraser and A Hillier

Next review date November 2024





Cinema Club -  Back in 2025 

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