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Village Residents       £7 PER HOUR plus £2 per hour for electric heating


All other users            £9 PER HOUR plus £2 per hour for electric heating


Day rate (commercial, 8 hours and over)


Village Residents       £70 per day plus extra heating charge

All other users            £100 per day plus extra heating charge


Additional equipment charges 

Tea & coffee making facilities                     £5 per day

Dishwasher (not available to untrained)     £10 per day

Use of village hall crockery and cutlery      £5 per day


Professional use, eg external caterers, or using all Village Hall kitchen equipment and facilities

£25 per hire

Heated trolley                           £5 per day

Portable Projector & screen     £5 per day

The ceiling mounted projector is not for hire.

There is an amplifier and speaker system which is free to use and is connected by jack plug.

Please indicate when booking if you wish to use the bar facilities or broadband.


Furniture hire outside hall:

Tables (each)   £2 per day

Chairs (each) vinyl (upholstered chairs are not available for hire)  30p per day each





Bookings/enquiries: or phone 748655



Please make sure you book the hall before using it, and do not assume it will be available.

Please let the Bookings Secretary know how long you require the hall at the time of booking. This should include any setting up and clearing up time. You will be informed if your required date is available and advised of the charges and details of key collection. All bookings will be confirmed by email. 



Please note that the hall should be paid for at the end of your hire by bank transfer. Bank details will be supplied with booking confirmation.





Please use the warm air heater FIRST (situated in Boiler Room to the right of the front door). Turn on using timer switch: press once for ½ hour, twice for 1 hour, and 3 times for 2 hours. Make sure that the lower vent/grille in boiler room has not been blocked

(eg check the disabled ramp is not left in front of it).

The Boiler Room door must be closed when boiler in use.



Please do not use to heat the Hall from cold. These heaters are supplementary heaters and only intended for use once the hall is warm as these are expensive to run, and your careful use would be appreciated. Please use only during meetings when the need for quiet is essential, ie Parish Council meetings and WI. They are on a timer switch located near the store room door at the top of the hall– press once for ½ hour, twice for 1 hour, and 3 times for 2 hours.

Please do NOT alter the individual settings on any of the panel heaters. They may be turned off using the control panel. Please ensure they are turned off when you leave the hall.



Please do not alter the settings on these as they are used to prevent burst pipes in winter.



A light switch for the main hall can be found inside the sliding doors on the left-hand side. The other light switches (for main hall) are at the top end of the hall near the Store Room. Please do not switch on the stage lights. The switch is covered with red tape.

The lights in the  toilets are switched on by the light switch in the kitchen on the right of the dishwasher. The kitchen light switch is there too.

Please remember to switch off all lights before you leave.



The Village Hall has crockery, cutlery and chairs for 80, a water heater, cooker, heated cabinet, microwave, hob, fridge and kettle. Before you leave please ensure all appliances are switched off and all crockery and cutlery used is left clean and put away. The switch for the cooker is in the cupboard to its right.

If using the portable projector, it must be set on a secure four legged table. 

The electronic piano is in perfect working order and can be used, but only by competent players. It must not be used by children as a toy. 




Prior to leaving the hall at the end of your hire, please ensure that you have:

  • Turned off all heating (oil boiler & electric heaters)

  • Turned off water boilers, hob, oven, dishwasher and fridge leaving fridge door open

  • Ensure crockery and cutlery is washed and put away

  • Cleaned all work surfaces and sinks

  • Flushed toilets and ensured taps are off. Close toilet doors especially in winter.

  • Wiped used tables and put away in boiler room.

  • Swept floors

  • Mopped floor in kitchen if it has been used, or in wet weather

  • Emptied kitchen bins and replaced liners

  • Placed segregated wastes into the outside bins

  • Taken any excess rubbish to the tip if bins are full

  • Ensure windows are closed and secure

  • Non compliance with any of the above may result in extra cleaning charges.






  • A email booking must be completed and returned to the Bookings Secretary.

  • The usage of the hall must be clearly stated at the time of booking and an estimate given for how long the hall will be required.

  • The hirer must ensure the fire capacity of the hall (120 persons) is not exceeded.

  • Familiarise yourself with Fire, Health & Safety and Child Protection Policies. There are paper copies in the hall and are available to view on this website

  • Any equipment brought into the hall is the responsibility of the hirer, and suitable insurance must be obtained. It is not covered by Village Hall insurance.

  • Bouncy Castles or similar are at hirer’s own risk and must be covered by hirer’s or operators own public liability insurance.

  • Only heating appliances provided by the Village Hall may be used.

  • Teenage parties: 4 adults to be nominated to act as guarantors.



  • All payments for hires etc should be made by bank transfer wherever possible.

  • Hire will be deemed to commence when you start to set up and will be continuous until you have tidied up.

  • If you need to cancel your booking, please do so 48 hours in advance or you may be liable for a charge.



  • The Village Hall Trustees will not be held responsible for any loss or damage to personal property either inside or outside the Hall.

  • The Village Hall Trustees will not be held responsible for injury to individuals using the Hall.



  • Music and noise must be kept down to a reasonable level to avoid nuisance to neighbours.

  • All noise should cease by midnight including outside the hall if waiting for transport.



  • Smoking is not permitted in the Village Hall.



  • Cars should be parked with due consideration to other road users, neighbours and at the owner’s risk. The shop car park can be used after the shop is closed, but the gate should be shut after the end of the event. 

  • Please do not block driveways or use them for turning.



  • It is the hirer’s responsibility to leave the Hall clean and tidy, otherwise an additional £12/hour fee will be levied to cover the cost of cleaning.

  • Rubbish and recycling to be placed in the respective wheelie bins outside the Hall. Any excess rubbish to be taken to the tip.



  • Please make sure that the fridge is cleaned and switched off at the end of your hire, and the fridge door left open.

  • The dishwasher must not be used under any circumstances unless prebooked and by trained operators only. Please read instructions carefully.



  • Hirers are asked to leave all chairs and tables as they were found. And also articles taken from the storerooms and cupboards.

  • The upholstered chairs are not to be used outside and not available for external hire.

  • All heating and lighting to be turned off before vacating the Hall, otherwise the hirer is liable for an excess charge.

  • Please do not adjust the settings on the electric heaters in the toilets as these are on in winter for frost purposes.

  • All breakages must be reported to the Bookings Secretary.

  • Damage of any kind must also be reported to the Bookings Secretary, and it would be appreciated if faults (ie faulty light bulbs) could also be reported.

  • Walls and doors must not be defaced.

  • Fire extinguishers must not be tampered with.

  • Any equipment stored in the Store Room may not be used by other hirers unless permission from the group to which it belongs is sought.

  • The piano must only be used by competent players. Do not allow children to play with it. 




  • No equipment to be taken without prior permission of the Bookings Secretary.

  • Equipment hired for external use must be collected by the hirer and returned in a clean condition by the agreed date and time, otherwise the hirer will be liable for an excess charge.

  • The upholstered chairs, crockery, cutlery and glassware are not available for external hire.

  • An emailed booking request must be sent to the Bookings Secretary or alternatively, you can phone on 748655.


Furniture hire for use outside the hall


Tables (each) £2 per day


Chairs (each) vinyl (upholstered chairs are not available for hire) 30p per day




Please note that the furniture should be paid for at the end of your hire by bank transfer. Bank details on request from



Sara Barrett, Charlotte Bradshaw, Terry Curtis (Secretary), Paul Diver, Brian Edwards, Valerie Fraser (Chair), Ann Hillier, Peter Jones, Steve Preston, Robert Wright (Treasurer)





Cinema Club -  Back in 2025 

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