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Statement of 8 June 2022 by the Village Hall Trustees presented at the Open Forum preceeding the Council meeting of 8 June 2022

The Village Hall Trustees and BPC held a very positive meeting Monday 6th June and we are delighted that Barrowden Parish Council supports in principle the proposal to build a new village hall- a first step in replacing our village facilities.
A new Funding opportunity has arisen-The Community Ownership Fund -max of £250k to be matched funded- with an application deadline of 19th August in this round.
The target is £600k & the fundraising plan will need to include the National Lottery pledge of £95k which is conditional on the parish council in principle being happy to see a PWL in the funding mix.
Community engagement and support, working in partnership with the Parish Council, is essential for a successful Community Ownership Fund application and also in community fundraising. The Village Hall Trustees look forward to working together with BPC and we are happy to defer our agenda item and the issues raised, in order to establish joint working arrangements and look forward to confirming the way forward at your July meeting.

Cinema Club -  Back in 2025 

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